The Plan

It’s always good to have a plan and being good, although Marlene said being bad was better, we always have one. Often very loose and rarely ever followed - well not very closely.

The plan for the rest of the summer is quite simple. Travel north, keep going until we reach the sea at John O’Groats, then turn round and come back south again. We have planned the (possible) sites while in Scotland and a map of those can be found HERE. Since writting this the map has had the title changed from "Scotland (for) The Brave 😊😊” to "Scotland (for) The Wet 😊😊” and the proposed camp sites reduced from ten or more to five - why? Well the clue is in the change of title but more in the next blog.

As we pass through Cumbria on the way south we plan to get the caravan serviced and when we get back to Essex the car will need an MOT and then we will need to plan how we are going to get to Spain - road or boat - before the winter sets in. Still we have a while before we need to make that decision.

Last update - Thursday 3rd December 2015.                                  © S W Ghost 2015